The product page is one of the most important parts of your e-commerce store. This is where the customer will decide whether to purchase the product or not. If you are someone who just focuses on the layout of the e-commerce store, the picture of the products, and the website’s loading speed, you are missing a crucial element. All of the above things are important, but they won’t be of any use if you don’t optimize your Shopify product page and it doesn’t convince the user to purchase a product. After all, you can’t run a business if there are no sales.
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Why need to optimize conversion rate?
According to research by emarketer, 82% of customers rate product descriptions as an influential element for making a purchase decision.
A good product page has multiple benefits. It leads to a good user experience, increases conversions, and in turn enhances the profits of the company.
But how can you avail all these benefits?
Let’s find it out!
5 ways to optimize Shopify product page to increase conversions
1. Provide a good description
At times, it can be overwhelming to decide what to include in product details. There are dozens of pieces of possible information that can be added.
So here is what should be your way forward.
At the start of the product page, include that information that will address the needs and wants of the consumer. Put yourself into the shoes of the customer and think about what you will be looking for when buying a product?
For example, if you are selling a washing machine, mention how it will make the life of the user easier and address any possible concerns instead of just mentioning the functions, weight, and other technical details.
Yes, these details are important but should not be included at the start of the product description. Otherwise, you won’t be able to stand out from the competitors.
Additionally, the product details should be easy to scan. For example, instead of adding all the details in a single paragraph, consider dividing them into multiple paragraphs or adding them in bullets.
For example, Method, which sells different cleanliness related products, has a detailed product description for each of its products.
This includes information about what is the usage of the product and a detailed list of ingredients, among other things.
2. Highlight your call to action
Amidst your product details, don’t forget to focus on your call to action i.e., add to cart button. It is an important element for optimizing your Shopify product page.
It should be visible as soon the page loads instead of having it at the end of the product description. Not every user will read the entire product description and scroll down towards the end.
Additionally, make sure the design of the call to action is such that it stands out from the rest of the text. There should not be any clutter beside the button. All this will ensure that the user is not distracted and will enhance conversion rates. An average eCommerce conversion rate is around 2.27%. A strong call to action will ensure that you can reach this average easily, and even go beyond this.
Manitobah highlights its Add to cart in a beautiful manner. It comes at the start of the page so that customers don’t have to scroll down a lot to purchase the product. In addition, “FREE SHIPPING, FREE RETURNS” is put next to the “Add to Cart” button. This will make the call to action more inviting.
One trick to make the call to action much more persuading is to place some enticing offers beside it. As you can see in the above screenshot, Manitobah increases average order value by offering an attractive bundle.
“Bundle with a tipi, Save $10” with a call to action button “Add both to cart”.
Hence, customers can quickly pick the bundle. While Manitobah sells more, its customers feel they buy at a bargain price.
Similarly, you can add buy one, get one free offer as well to entice the visitor and increase the chances of people clicking on the call to action.
3. Use the live chat on product pages
According to research by Econsultancy “Live chat has the highest satisfaction levels for any customer service channel, with 73%, compared with 61% for email and 44% for phone”
This statistic alone is enough to demonstrate why you should focus on live chat the most, among other forms of communication with the customer.
The reason why customers prefer live chat over email, phone call and even communication through social media is that live chat is the quickest of all. You don’t have to wait for a long time. Within minutes, someone will be there to address your query.
The live chat option should be there on every page, particularly on the product page, so that if the customer has a query just before he is about to buy something, he can instantly get it resolved.
A good example in this case is Bailly. No matter what page you navigate to, there will always be a live chat option.
4. Use videos or GIFs to capture the attention
It is no surprise that technology has drastically reduced our attention spans. This brings new challenges to marketers, and as an owner of a Shopify store, you should think of new ways to capture the attention of the visitor and keep him hooked for a longer period.
Using videos and GIFS is a good way to do so.
Now you might be wondering why we have missed images from the title and the above. No that was not a typo.
Yes, images do play an important role, and no e-commerce store is complete without the inclusion of clear and high-definition images.
However, images are used by everyone, and as such, they might not be very effective. Instead, it’s a good idea to use videos and GIFS (along with images) to optimize the Shopify product page and to grab the attention of the user and to make your Shopify store stand out from others.
You can use a video to show different angles of the product as well as how to use it. Remember to use a short video. The aim is not to place a long tutorial on the product page. You can create a YouTube page for that purpose.
Similarly, a GIF can be used to highlight the important parts of your product or guide you quickly on how to use this product. With the same space, a GIF can express more than what an image can do. Just like a video, a GIF can also quickly show how to use a product in a compelling manner.
5. Show product reviews and testimonials
According to research, around 97% of customers read a product review before purchasing it. Therefore, reviews play an integral role in optimizing Shopify product pages.
Reviews are important for all kinds of products, but the larger the price, the more customers will be dependent on reviews for purchasing it. In other words, high-value products need more positive reviews than low-value products to win the heart of the customer.
Apart from displaying the review on the product page, you can also use video testimonials from your customers on the product page. These testimonials can also be used as advertisements on social media and other platforms.
Leesa, a Shopify store selling mattresses and related accessories, has reviews of customers for each of its customers. Wherever product pages you go to, just scroll towards the end of the page and you will find customers’ reviews for that particular product.
KPIs to measure product page success rate
So you have implemented each of the above best practices to optimize your product page. Now how to figure out if they have really worked or not?
In this section, we discuss two important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can help you figure out how effective your efforts of improving the conversion rate for Shopify stores have been.
1. Conversion rate
A conversion rate tells us about the number of visitors who have successfully converted into paying customers.
The conversion rate is calculated for a particular period e.g., for a month, 90 days, etc. A higher rate means more people than before are turning into customers, and your efforts of optimizing the Shopify product page are paying off.
The following formula is used to calculate the conversion rate:
(Conversions ÷ number of visitors to your store) × 100
For a Shopify store, you don’t have to calculate it manually as you can find it in the dashboard. In the left-hand sidebar on the home page, click on analytics and then dashboard.
You will then come across many metrics. By scrolling down a bit, you can see the online store conversion rate metric. This is the conversion rate that we are referring to.
2. Average order value
The average order value (AOV) shows you how much an individual customer spends on your Shopify store.
If AOV has increased after your optimization of the Shopify product page, it means that your product page has successfully managed the customers to spend more. Mission accomplished!
AOV also helps you allocate your marketing budget intelligently and find out its Return on Investment (ROI).
You might be wondering what is a good average order value?
There isn’t a definitive answer to this. The good AOV can be different for different stores, and it is all up to you to consider a particular figure as a good value.
To calculate AOV, divide the total revenue of your Shopify store by the number of orders.
AOV= Total Revenue ÷ Total Orders
Luckily, just like the conversion rate, you can easily find the AOV from your Shopify dashboard instead of calculating it manually.
Follow the same steps you did for finding the conversion rate. You will find the AOV just beside the conversion rate. In case you aren’t able to find it, scroll down and up a bit.
Final thought: Optimizing your product page isn’t hard
The above-mentioned 5 tips are not very hard to implement. They just require careful planning and persistence. You won’t get the results overnight but if you have implemented the strategies carefully, you can expect good results sooner or later.
After implementing the strategies, don’t forget to find out if they have worked or not by using the KPIs we mentioned above. They will give you an idea of what, if anything, needs to be corrected. Go and optimize your product pages to boost sales. If you need any help feel free to contact us or leave some lines in the comments!