Every ecommerce merchant knows that Ads campaign is a crucial thing to keep your brand and product in front of customers’ eyes. You definitely know that too! As a result, you have spent a budget on some Facebook Ads to reach out more to your potential customers. Now, you have about 300 clicks per day, it’s a positive sign, right? Unfortunately, the more traffic, the higher the bounce rate. You are even panicker when the high bounce rate coming from your paid advertising. Search Engine doesn’t like it! So what is the main cause of this situation?
Table of Contents
1. Factors affect the bounce rate on your Shopify website
There are a few main problems happening to your purchasing website.
1.1. Slow page load
This is the number one problem leads to high bounce rate. Some said that the high bounce rate caused by the content. In fact, issues actually happen before customers landing to your content page.
No matter how much effort you put on your content if your website taking longer than 4 seconds to load. Well, you just lost a customer. According to Neil Patel – famous marketing blogger – 47% of internet users expect the web loading time is 3 seconds or less. In the age of instant information, people get everything within a click. If you let your customers wait too long, surely, they bounce out to find something faster to experience.
You should really concern about your site’s loading speed. If you’re new to Shopify, don’t hesitate to look for help from experts.
Check your Shopify site speed for FREE now!
1.2. Inappropriate landing page
Where you land your customer can matter, too. Supposing that a customer sees your outdoor decorated chair advertising on Facebook, they are interested in this type of product and click. However, the link leads them to your about page, certainly, they abundant website. Because at that time they are more interested in the chair they have seen and click on for more details about it, not your brand.
Another factor is you have a one-page landing without any other links for a customer to click on (ex: about page or other products page), that will contribute to your abundant website rate.
If your Facebook Ads lead to your blog page or whitepaper just to cookie the users and there is nothing more compelling to them in that page, absolutely, they will leave after getting what they want. Then, be careful with your landing page, always keep asking yourself, who is your target customers, what do they want, and where you will show them what they want.
1.3. Poor storefront design
Related to the landing page is storefront design. If you choose the right landing page for your customers, but the design of this page is not eye-catching, people will leave your site.
Or maybe you are annoying your customers by a lot of pop-up ads and email subscribe buttons. They come to your website to look for information they need. And what they see is just a website look exactly like a spam page, covered by messy CTAs and ads, they certainly have no interest in digging deeper your website.
Another question is: “Does your website easy to navigate?”. Perhaps, your website is interesting enough for keeping customers curious, maybe your blog gives them helpful tips for their business, and they want to read more. Unfortunately, their curiosity is shut down by your hard navigation website, instead of seeing a search box or related articles. They are lost in your maze and don’t know where to go next.
1.4. Unfriendly mobile version
In the mobile age, it’s a huge miss out for your website to not optimise mobile UI/UX. Frequently, internet users surfing Facebook on their mobile, at the subway, at the bus station, when waiting for their beverage. There is a huge chance that they are your target customer and your Ads reaches them on Facebook. What if your website hasn’t optimised on mobile yet, your website isn’t fit their screen size, and it’s easy to press the wrong button when surfing it on a much smaller screen than a laptop. As a result, the number of customer abundant page increase and they might never come back because of poor mobile experience. It’s not good for your site at all.
The question is: “How can you fix this?” If you have the technical knowledge and solve this problem, go ahead. But what if you are a newbie and you know a little about mobile UI/UX? You should reach out experts and ask them to review your store.
Review your store with HappyPoints now! (100% free).
1.5. The wrong customer targeting
This is also another common issue Shopify ecommerce merchants encounter when running Facebook Ads. The niche market you are focusing on is music teachers and the key products are instruments supporting for music teaching activities. However, your advertises running all over the public school teacher community, your products might look cool, but it’s not what they need.
1.6. Website domain problem
One more specific cause for the high bounce rate from Facebook Ads is some error might occur between Facebook and your website domain. If you don’t have much knowledge in domain and server, hiring a third party fixing this problem for you is a good solution.
How to mitigate the high bounce rate for your Shopify website?
2.1. Optimise the page speed load.
Researches have proved that the perfect time for a page to load is in 3 seconds. There are several reasons that can cause a low page load. The most significant justification is your website has too many unnecessary plugins. Many people usually install all the plugins they consider “cool” on their WordPress blog/website, even if they are unnecessary. They make the database burdensome, the host CPU must handle more queries, larger page-size of the web… leading to slower loading web. To handle this problem, web owners should install really necessary and irreplaceable plugins and regularly update the plugin, look for weightless options that are more effective.
Another serious problem is image size when uploading on the website. Despite the fact that the full-size images are sharp and vivid, it takes a decade for customers to load your website with 10 images at 4 to 5MB. Therefore, image optimization software such as TinyPNG can be used to reduce the KB of images (ideal size is under 200KB) without compromising the quality for users.
Although it takes a long time and so much effort to fix the loading speed, you can avoid that by selecting a provider of Hosting and VPS services, quality and prestige. Remember to check the network speed, the indicators of the package that you will register.
Read more at here to figure out valuable tips to make your site speed faster.
If your site speed still bothers you, HappyPoints provides free speed optimization service, which can be used to optimise page speed for your store.
2.2. Optimise the website interface
A quality website site doesn’t stop at the well-designed interface or functions. The quality also comes from the code structure meets SEO standards or not. The amount of web code is heavy or not. Even if you buy expensive hosting packages but your site still has problematic web code, it won’t change anything.
It’s really important to keep your website professional. Knowing that pop-up definitely an effective tool to increase conversions, having visitors sign up their email for your products or services. However, some customers complain that pop-up annoys them and make them feel website like a scam page. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when using pop-ups, abusing them can create unwanted side effects.
2.3. Clarify web navigation and web usability
Even if you are not a webmaster, bear in mind the 3 bullet points about web usability.
- Keep every category within a few clicks (ideal 1-2 clicks)
- Users expect certain things place at where they should be (example: the navigation boards should be at the top or search box should be at the top right or in the middle of the website).
- Create enough white space on your website, it helps customers easier to determine what they want to go next.
2.4. Choose the right keyword
Never use irrelevant keywords. Because if visitors cannot find content related to what they are looking for. They will feel frustrated and immediately exit your site.
Since keyword is key factor affect the success of your business, investing a certain time to do in-depth keyword research to find which one is most suitable. Otherwise, all your budget spends on Facebook Ads is down the drain.
There are several free tools you can use to doing keyword research such as Google Keyword Planner. Users can define the search for the average keywords in the month of a certain country or in the world, as well as the difficulty and competition of that keyword. With this information, users can determine the reasonable cost for each SEO campaign as well as select the appropriate keywords for their services and products to target the right type of customers.
2.5. Setup internal links
Internal links play a crucial role in keeping customers stay longer with your website. An addition reason causes customers to bounce off your Shopify website is they get what they want and leave, internal links can solve this issue. If the external backlink is to advertise, introduce your web on another web, the internal link will connect the articles, homepage, categories in the website more firmly. By means of using internal links, visitors will track more relevant posts on your blog/website. It can help double the number of views and will reduce the bounce rate, even your ad click rate may increase.
2.6. Optimize mobile UI/UX
Google reported that people tended to perform Google searches activities on the mobile phone much more than on PC. A study carried by Brightedge in mid-year 2018 shows that more than half of online traffics take place on mobile and tablet. Due to this trend, it’s really essential to keep your Shopify website accessible on mobile and tablet. If you have no experience in this area, call for expert help from the third party.
HappyPoints have professional team expertise in optimizing mobile interface. Contact us to get help with your Shopify store mobile version.
2.7. Fix the website domain
This issue can be resolved by sending a request to Facebook here. But this might take a certain time to receive a response from them. Or you can contact the third party who expertise in fixing domain and server to receive help.
Hopefully, after reading this article you are provided sufficient information about your current bounce rate situation. Applying these 7 simple changes to decrease your bounce rate now!
And at HappyPoints we provide a professional technology solution for your Shopify store, contact HappyPoints for further advisory.